Why Etera?

It all started with a story told by a pre-Socratic philosopher Prodicus…

De 6963 Cross wayIn the 5th century BC, an early times hero Heracles found himself in a dilemma. At a crossroads, a young maiden Areté (“virtue”) appeared to him and offered him glory and a life of struggle against evil; her counterpart Kakia (“badness”), offered him wealth and pleasure. Heracles had to decide which road to take and chose to follow the path of Areté, which had lead him to a fulfilling life.

Since then, word Areté in its basic sense means virtue, excellence and the act of living up to one’s full potential. Areté is a person of the highest effectiveness; they use all their faculties and develop the mind, body, and soul to live a life of arete, virtue.

So where is the link? Arete spelled backwards reads Etera. And from there it was just a small step to creating Etera GmbH which aims to enable people to learn in order to make the right choices and develop their health to its full potential.